
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bebi Book

I haven't been good in updating this Bebi Blog. :oP

Ahh but I've been religious with my vitamins! That's a record. I am really really bad with medications and vitamins. A doctor would prescribe me with a 15 day medicine, and I'll drink about 5 days worth and just forget about the others. Or ... I've been mildly anemic since elementary school but I just get halfway through my iron supplements and chuck the rest out. Same with the Stresstabs that I've always been prescribed to take. I'd buy a bottle, finish 30 pieces and maybe buy another bottle a year later (if I remember!)

Oh but with Obimin, I take it everyday! I might miss a day or two, but I promptly compensate that with Anmum. I am so proud of myself by being a behaved vitamin-popper.

Last Thursday, during my monthly checkup - I heard the bebi's heartbeat via Doppler for the first time :-) "wo-wo-wo-wo" ! Cool. Sam, of course, wasn't there to hear it. Inggit na lang siya - and was asking whether we can buy a Doppler of our own so we can hear the bebi anytime . :-)

Been browsing through my old baby books (the ones where the mom fills in the blanks for baby's developments) and I really like my old one. My mom gave me an old unused baby book (it was a gift for my birth that she didn't get to use) -- nice if I can use the vintage one huh? It has yellowed pages and classic illustrations. But I kind of like to make one myself. Personalized!!!

I have an unused white wedding scrapbook (never got around to putting our wedding pictures in it :-( ran out of money to get photos printed hehehe) -- and I don't think I'll be able to make our traditional wedding scrapbook. I was thinking of converting it into a Bebi Book (just need to modify pictures a bit). It's cool because it has pockets and great wide pages to put bebi's mementos in.

Hmmm. Altho a part of me is still hoping I can still make the wedding scrapbook. :-)

Oh well... I have... 5 months to decide! I can't believe it has been almost 4 months of pregnancy. Ang bilis lang pala nito???


misis_pb said...

in other countries that ultrasound gadget can be rented... wala dito eh, pero try mo rin maghanap.

Nel said...

nice to know that you are taking your vitamins regularly! way to go girl! mwah! hope to see you soon:) im here around the corner lang hehehe mwah

Nel said...

ganda ng baby book mo sis! sosyal! hhehehe
